Beth McCann
District Attorney
Second Judical District

201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 801,
Denver, CO 80202
News Release
October 25, 2024 Contact: Matt Jablow, 720-913-9025
Convicted Rapist Stephen Matthews Sentenced to 158 Years to Life in Prison
DENVER— Denver DA Beth McCann today announced that Judge Eric Johnson has sentenced Stephen Matthews to 158 years to life in prison. In August, a Denver jury convicted Matthews of 35 counts related to the drugging and/or sexual assault of 11 women between 2019 and 2023.
“Mr. Matthews incapacitated his victims and then sexually assaulted eight of them. Given the despicable nature of those crimes, I am very pleased with the sentence imposed today by Judge Johnson. I hope this sentence sends the message to everyone in Denver that people who take advantage of others in the way that Mr. Matthews did will be prosecuted by my office to the fullest extent of the law. I also hope today’s sentence provides a measure of comfort to all of Mr. Matthews’ victims, whose courage in coming forward resulted in this successful outcome,” said DA McCann. “Finally, I want to thank the prosecutors, investigators, victim advocates and paralegals from my office, as well as the detectives from the Denver Police Department, for their outstanding work on the case.”
About the Denver DA’s Office:
Our mission is to professionally and competently prosecute crimes and investigate criminal activity on behalf of the people of Colorado, and to seek equal justice for all in the criminal justice system. Our mission also includes preventing and deterring crimes; supporting victims; participating in the community; being transparent and accountable; and improving the criminal justice system to provide fair alternatives to incarceration in appropriate cases.