Community Programs
The Denver District Attorney's Office has established or administers programs to meet the needs of citizens that go beyond prosecuting criminals. These programs support the prosecution process, victims, and witnesses and provide community awareness and education opportunities about the criminal justice process.
Denver Anti-Trafficking Alliance (DATA)
is a collaborative network housed and supported by the Denver District Attorney’s Office that works to create a victim-centered, multi-disciplinary response to human trafficking in Denver through victim services, collaborative investigation and prosecution, education and awareness, and public policy advocacy. DATA participants include law enforcement, children’s advocacy organizations, government service agencies, victim assistance organizations, private therapists, faith-based organizations, and others involved in fighting human trafficking. To learn more click here.
Courtrooms to Classrooms
For over 20 years, the Denver District Attorney’s Office has provided the Courtrooms to Classrooms program to Denver Public Schools 5th grade students. The overarching goal of this program is for students to learn about the criminal justice system, develop problem-solving and decision-making skills, explore career options, bond with positive role models, and help the young people of Denver lead healthy, productive, and successful lives in the years ahead.
Memorial Sign Program
The Memorial Sign Program is managed by The Denver District Attorney’s Office in collaboration with the Denver Police Department and Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Memorial signs are installed at the site where one or more persons have been killed in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by alcohol and/or drugs, or careless driving. This program gives family members of the victim(s) an opportunity to provide a personal tribute in memory of their lost loved one(s). The memorial signs also serve as a reminder to drive safely and responsibly.
If you know someone who was killed in a fatal motor vehicle crash and would like a memorial sign erected in their memory, please review the criteria contained in the below documents and email
Download the Memorial Sign document in English here.
Download the Memorial Sign document in Spanish here.
The Denver Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) program strives to foster, enhance, and improve the responsiveness of the criminal justice system and community-based programs to victims of crime. The primary role of Denver VALE is the distribution of grants to victim-serving agencies, which amount to approximately one million dollars in awards per year. These grants are awarded on a competitive basis and run on the standard calendar year. This legislatively mandated program exists in every judicial district in Colorado and is funded by surcharges assessed on individuals convicted of crimes.
Grant-funded programs provide specialized, direct services to various groups within the victim population, including crisis intervention, housing, counseling and therapy, internships, court-mandated visitation, child and youth programs, legal aid, translation services, culturally specific services, and advocacy for victims of crime. The Board also funds training programs, technical equipment, and one-time emergency funding on an as-needed basis.
For more information on the program and to learn about the application process, please click here.
Find My Courtroom or Case

Denver District Attorney
370 17th Street
Suite 5300
Denver, Colorado 80202
Main phone number: 720-913-9000
Linea en Espanol-Fiscal de Distrito:
Email address: