Beth McCann
District Attorney
Second Judical District

370 17th Street, Suite 5300,
Denver, CO 80202
News Release
June 12, 2023 Contact: Carolyn Tyler, Communications Director, carolyn.tyler@denverda.org, 720-913-9025
Denver Jury Finds Warren Simpson Guilty of Second Degree Murder
DENVER—After deliberating for approximately four hours on Friday, a Denver jury found Warren Simpson (age 43) guilty of second degree murder for the shooting death of Mr. Robert Turner who was 54-years-old at the time he was killed. The trial lasted five days.
On October 25, 2021, Denver police responded to a 911 call and found Mr. Turner in the alley behind 3683 N. Monaco Street. Denver Health Medical Center paramedics responded to the scene and determined that Mr. Turner had been shot once in the upper chest. Mr. Turner was pronounced dead on scene.
Denver police obtained video surveillance that showed two cars pull into the alley. On the videotape a male voice can be heard ordering a person to get out of the car shortly followed by one gunshot. A second voice can be heard on the video saying, “mama!”. Prosecutors with the Denver DA’s Office proved that Warren Simpson was the voice on the video ordering Mr. Turner to get out of the car and that it was Mr. Turner’s voice they heard calling out for mama before he was shot and killed by Simpson.
On November 15, 2021, criminal case 21CR6647 was filed against Simpson who is scheduled to be sentenced on July 20, 2023, at 1:30 in courtroom 5B.
About the Denver DA’s Office:
Our mission is to professionally and competently prosecute crimes and investigate criminal activity on behalf of the people of the State of Colorado and to seek equal justice for all in the criminal justice system. Our mission includes the prevention and deterrence of crimes, support of the well-being of victims, participation in the community, transparency, accountability, and improvement of the criminal justice system to provide fair alternatives to incarceration in appropriate cases.