Beth McCann
District Attorney
Second Judical District

201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 801,
Denver, CO 80202
News Release
November 23, 2020 Contact: Carolyn Tyler, Communications Director, carolyn.tyler@denverda.org, 720-913-9025
District Attorney McCann Issues Officer-Involved Shooting Letter
Investigation and Decision Re September 9, 2020, Shooting of Antonio Blackbear
DENVER—Denver District Attorney Beth McCann’s legal review of the officer-involved shooting that occurred on September 9, 2020, at 10th Ave. & Inca St. in Denver, Colorado is complete. DA McCann concluded that the shooting was legally justified and that no criminal charges are warranted against Denver Police Department Officers Kyle Saunier and Lynnea Vento for the reasons outlined in the letter.
“This was a clear cut situation: Mr. Blackbear was threatening lives as these officers responded to several community members’ calls for help,” said DA McCann. “I want to thank the citizens who came forward and provided video evidence of what happened as it was helpful in my conclusion that these officers were justified in their actions. When Mr. Blackbear saw the officers, he pointed what convincingly appeared to be a Glock handgun directly at these officers and they acted in self-defense and in defense of others.”
DA McCann will hold an online community meeting to present and discuss her conclusion on Monday, November 30, 2020, from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Due to the current health pandemic, that meeting will take place live over Microsoft Teams. The public is invited to attend by clicking here: https://bit.ly/35CwOIt.
DA McCann’s decision letter to Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen is also available for review: