Beth McCann
District Attorney
Second Judical District

370 17th Street, Suite 5300,
Denver, CO 80202
News Release
April 12, 2018 Contact: Ken Lane, 720-913-9025
Three Charged with Illegal Gambling Operations (Garamovs, Gugulyan)
April 12, 2018
Contact: Ken Lane, 720-913-9025
Denver District Attorney Beth McCann has formally charged three people in connection with alleged illegal gambling operations after a nearly year-long criminal investigation.
Bagrat Garamov (dob: 06-20-1979), Tammy Garamov (dob: 09-03-1974), and Eduard Gugulyan (dob: 06-20-1979) are each variously charged with multiple counts of slot machines—shipping violation (F5), engaging in professional gambling (M1), fraudulent limited gaming acts (M1), possession of a gambling device or record (M2), and maintaining a gambling premises (M3). Bagrat Garamov is charged with 198 criminal counts; Tammy Garamov with 172 counts, and Gugulyan with 60 counts.
The three are accused of illegal gaming activities at their businesses American Pride Skill Games, located at 10890 East Dartmouth Avenue; La Fortuna Skill Arcade, located at 9 South Federal Boulevard; and El Dorado Skill Games, located at 2544 Sheridan Boulevard. In May 2017, the Denver Police Department, with support from District Attorney prosecutors, began an undercover investigation related to gambling activities at these businesses, resulting in searches and arrests of the three on March 27, 2018. Gaming equipment was seized as part of the raids.
The businesses operate video and electronic games alleged to be “slot machines” and “gambling devices” as defined by Colorado state law, in which players pay to play with the opportunity to win money. Neither the businesses nor their co-owners are licensed to possess slot machines or to operate gaming establishments by the Colorado Division of Gaming. Gambling is only legal in Colorado in limited circumstances and locations that do not apply to the alleged above illegal gaming activities.
Both Garamovs are scheduled to appear on April 13 at 8:00 a.m. in courtroom 2300 for 2nd advisement. Gugulyan had his 2nd advisement hearing this morning and is scheduled for a disposition hearing May 14.
The filing of a criminal charge is merely a formal accusation that an individual(s) committed a crime(s) under Colorado laws. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. See Colo. RPC 3.6