Beth McCann
District Attorney
Second Judical District

201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 801,
Denver, CO 80202
News Release
October 12, 2023 Contact: Matt Jablow, 720-913-9025
Vincent Tapia Sentenced for Murder
DENVER – Denver District Attorney Beth McCann today announced that Judge Adam Espinosa has sentenced Vincent Tapia to 40 years in prison for second degree murder. A jury convicted Tapia on August 11.
On April 1, 2022, Tapia was riding in a car with 22 year-old Ricardo Santos, Jr. When their car was involved in a traffic accident, the two men got into an argument and Tapia shot and killed Santos. Tapia ran off but was arrested a short time later.
“This is another senseless act of violence and further evidence of the tragedy that often results when handguns are used to resolve disputes. I am very pleased that Vincent Tapia will pay a significant price for his actions that day. I want to thank the prosecutors and investigators in my office, as well as the detectives with the Denver Police Department, whose hard work on the case has brought a measure of justice to Ricardo Santos’ family,” said DA McCann.
About the Denver DA’s Office:
Our mission is to professionally and competently prosecute crimes and investigate criminal activity on behalf of the people of Colorado, and to seek equal justice for all in the criminal justice system. Our mission also includes preventing crime, supporting the well-being of victims, being involved in the community, being transparent and accountable, and improving the criminal justice system to provide fair alternatives to incarceration in appropriate cases.