Conviction Review Unit

The Denver District Attorney does not have the ability to unilaterally revise a validly obtained conviction and sentence. However, post-conviction petitions, clemency petitions, parole petitions, and community corrections transition requests are available remedies to individuals convicted of a crime.

The Conviction Review Unit (CRU) consists of a Director /Deputy District Attorney, an investigator, and interns who work in collaboration with the applicant’s defense counsel to investigate the applicant’s claims and where appropriate, to support the applicant’s request for relief.

The Conviction Review Unit (“CRU”) accepts submissions to review cases of defendants who deem their sentencing is not compatible with current standards of fairness and also reviews cases of defendants who assert that they were innocent or wrongfully convicted.

For more information on how to have a case reviewed for sentence equity click here.

For more information on how to have a case reviewed for actual innocence click here.


Frequently Asked Questions

You or your loved one must fill out the application posted on the CRU website requesting review of the case. The application can be mailed to: Conviction Review Unit, Denver District Attorney’s Office, 370 17th Street| Suite 5300| Denver, CO 80202 or it can be emailed to

All received applications go through an initial screening process. Each request will be processed as described in the applicable policy.

When an application is received, we will let you know we received it via a letter.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a specific time frame. Each case is different and will be reviewed individually. Depending on a variety of factors, including, the age of the case, the availability of information, and the charge, each case will take a different amount of time. Please be patient.

We cannot guarantee a time frame of when you should expect to hear back from us about a decision. However, we will make every effort to process your request as soon as possible.

Yes, a defendant who pleaded guilty is eligible for consideration by the CRU.

No. The CRU can only review cases where the conviction was obtained in Denver County.

No. The CRU is a unit within the Denver District Attorney’s Office. The CRU does not represent any defendant in any case and cannot offer legal advice. If you want a lawyer, consider contacting the public defender’s office, hiring private counsel, or seeking the assistance of an innocence project.

No. Each case is unique and simply because the CRU investigates the case does not mean it will result in exoneration.

Click the appropriate button below to download the application to review a case.

You will have to print the document to complete it. Once completed, either mail to:

Denver District Attorney’s Office
370 17th Street
Suite 5300
Denver, CO 80202

or send via email to:

If you have further questions, email or
call 720-913-9005.

Find My Courtroom or Case


Denver District Attorney
370 17th Street
Suite 5300
Denver, Colorado 80202

Main phone number: 720-913-9000
Linea en Espanol-Fiscal de Distrito:
Email address: