Witness Assistance
Witness Intimidation
Witness intimidation is rare but it does occur—and it is a crime. Intimidation comes in many forms, including but not limited to:
- Requests not to testify
- Requests to change your testimony
- Threats of harm to self, family, or business
If you are in immediate danger, call 911
Witness Protection Program
Intimidation or harm to victims and witnesses of crime is a considerable security concern for law enforcement, prosecutors and human service providers throughout the U.S. Victim Witness Protection programs are an important part of local, state and national security by providing safety for victims and witnesses while ensuring that dangerous criminals are brought to justice. The protection of victims and witnesses is essential to acquiring convictions and maintaining public confidence in the effectiveness of governments to protect their citizens.
While the type of criminal that obstructs justice by threatening or harming victims or witnesses can vary, they are often associated with gang activity, homicide, domestic violence or human trafficking. By ensuring that a victim or a witness is incapable or too fearful to provide testimony, criminals are able to evade prosecution and continue to prey upon our community. The District Attorney’s Witness Protection team works with individuals to address the strategies necessary to create safety, the trauma of exposure to these crimes, and to create a plan of service for other basic human needs. The Witness Protection team also works to help put the criminals behind bars, especially the growing number of gang members engaged in violent crime. Victim and witness protection is a critical part of maintaining public safety through the successful investigation and prosecution of violent criminals.
If you believe that you are being threatened, intimidated, or coerced to not provide information or testify in a criminal case, please report this to the police or the prosecution team in the Denver District Attorney's Office.
The District Attorney's Office actively discourages the intimidation of victims and witnesses. We do this by implementing appropriately restrictive bail conditions, the use of criminal contempt, the use of additional criminal charges and sanctions as provided by the Victim/Witness Intimidation Statute. In addition, victims are encouraged to use the victim/witness waiting room in the courthouse. To report intimidation or threats contact the police and the District Attorney’s Office.
Cases involving threats of physical harm or death may qualify for Colorado’s Witness Protection Program.
Witness Assistance FAQs
A subpoena is a formal document that orders the named person to appear in court at a specified date and time. If you receive a subpoena from the District Attorney’s Office please contact the victim advocate that is listed on the subpoena to get an update on the case status. The victim advocate will contact you if you are needed for the hearing for which you have been subpoenaed. If you have questions related to the subpoena or you have been subpoenaed by the defense, please call your victim advocate.
Unless otherwise discussed with the victim advocate or the district attorney, you must appear in court on the date and time on the subpoena. You can request to be placed on call which could save you from having to spend a lengthy time in court. Please call the victim advocate listed on the subpoena to discuss your options as it relates to being present in court.
If you receive a subpoena from the Denver District Attorney, your travel will be arranged by our office. You will be contacted by our office close to the hearing date to coordinate the details, as court dates often change. The expense of your travel will not be your responsibility. Please contact your victim advocate if you have questions.
Metered parking is available around the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse at 520 W. Colfax Avenue, or you can use the parking garage above the Post Office at 14th Street between Delaware and Elati Streets. If transportation to and from the courthouse for a hearing or trial related to your case is problematic, contact your victim advocate for assistance.
The District Attorney’s Office is located on the 53rd floor of the Republic Plaza building at 370 17th Street. There is limited metered parking near the building; however, if you will be parking for an extended period of time, metered parking is not recommended. There are also several parking lots downtown. Your victim advocate can provide additional information on parking near our Office.
It is important to talk to your victim advocate prior to coming to court to arrange a meeting place in the courthouse. There is a secure waiting area in the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse that is designated for victims and witnesses subpoenaed by the District Attorney’s Office. The secure waiting area is separate from the public area and away from the defendant, defense witnesses and the defendant’s friends and family members. This area provides a safe place for victims and witnesses to wait before, during, and after court. Your victim advocate can provide you information on how to get to this secure waiting area.
Minors under the age of 18 years are not allowed in the courtroom during court proceedings unless the minor is a victim or witness involved in the case being heard by the court. It is best to try to make child care arrangements for younger children.
While at the courthouse to testify, you can also use the children’s room in our secure waiting area. You must bring an adult who will remain with your child in the children’s room while you are in the courtroom. Contact your assigned victim advocate if you have additional questions.
You have no legal obligation to agree to an interview with either the district attorney or the defense attorney. The decision to discuss the case is yours alone and no one can influence your decision. If you choose to speak with the defense attorney or the defense attorney’s investigator, you set the ground rules as to where the interview takes place, how long the interview takes and when the interview ends. You may have someone from the District Attorney’s Office present when you meet with the defense attorney or investigator. Be cautious about signing any statement someone else has prepared and remember that any inconsistencies in a statement you make may be brought up in court. If you have any questions, contact your victim advocate or assigned deputy district attorney.