Scammers Can’t Wait For Back-to-School

In this month’s newsletter, we are providing some tips to keep your college- bound children safe from falling into a scammer’s trap.

Additionally, you may find the information from the FBI’s Yearly Internet Crime Report very interesting.  For each state, the Internet Crime Complaint Centeraka IC3 report, tracks the categories of scams, the number of people who were victimized by each scam and the victim financial loss by scam.  If you click on the link above to read the entire report, you’ll find that Colorado ranks 9th highest state for victim loss and number of victims being scammed.  While this is an alarming statistic, Coloradans may be reporting more frequently than consumers in other states.  Please keep reporting!  The more we know about what activities are happening in Denver, the more we will be able to alert the rest of the community to be on alert.

If you’ve been scammed or were a target in an attempted scam, go to the

FTC consumer complaint site.  Or you can always call our DA Fraud Hotline (720-913-9179).

Also, take advantage of scheduling a presentation from our office on ways to protect yourself from Fraud and Scams. These presentations are free to any Denver organization or association.  Contact for more information.

Stay Safe,


Scammers Go to College

You and your child have discussed all the potential pitfalls of being away at college. You’ve had the “I know you are an adult now, but I won’t be there to protect you if something goes wrong,” conversation. Hopefully you’ve told them not to leave their beverage unattended at a party, and to memorize the phone numbers of two friends in case they lose their cell phone.

But have you discussed the importance of protecting their identity? Most parents (and children) don’t realize the potential long-lasting harm of losing your identity to scammers and fraudsters. Why is that? First, your child now has the spending power of an adult. Second, young adults are less likely to report ID theft than others and, most importantly, their credit and credit history is virtually a clean slate. And scammers are waiting to get their hands on someone else’s identity.

Recently we learned of an 18 year old who was getting denied college loans. Like most 18 year olds, she assumed her credit was pristine as she hadn’t opened any credit cards, purchased a home, etc. As a result, she hadn’t reviewed her credit history before applying for loans. Unfortunately, a scammer had stolen the young woman’s identity dating back to when she was 15. “Her” credit history was filled with failure to pay for cars, credit cards, making her a risk for college loans. Reports of student loan fraud surged more than 120% from 2016-2017.

Teach your child the old adage, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” (like that 2500 sq foot house for $600/mo) and ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’, (like going to a free seminar with dinner included and all they want is your personal information).

With better awareness of identity theft and the avenues by which thieves steal personal identifiable information, more young consumers can work to secure their data. Developing good security habits-like shredding documents and statements, remaining alert about scams and fraud, and avoiding oversharing on social media-will also go a long way toward preventing identity theft. Finally, teach your child to get in the practice of monitoring account statements and requesting credit reports — and the best tip is, lead by example… when was the last time you reviewed your credit history?

Coloradans! Watch Your Identity!

Two recent crime data reports show that Coloradans are falling victim to internet fraud and identity fraud at alarming rates.
The  IC3, Internet Crime Complaint Center provides a reporting mechanism to the FBI on issues surrounding internet fraud.  The annual report aggregates data from consumers complaints on attempted or actual internet crimes.  The report highlights the hot internet crimes that occurred in 2017.  It’s useful information for all of us to be aware of what crimes are out there.  The link to the entire report is at the bottom of this article.
The 2017 report shows that Colorado is the 9th highest state with number of persons who have been victimized by an internet scam.  Additionally, Colorado is the 9th highest state in the amount of money lost per victim.  It is difficult to determine if Colorado citizens are scammed more often, or Coloradans report more often.  Either way, review the document so you can be alerted on the most frequent types of scams.   As noted in the article above, younger persons don’t report as often as older persons.  While many of these crimes are committed off shore, making it more difficult to catch the culprits, being aware that these scams are out there, are step one in combating these crimes.
Another report conducted by ASecureLife broke down the the IC3 data further to determine each state’s ranking for identity theft. Colorado ranked #2 for being the riskiest state for identity.  In Colorado, 385 victims lost more than $1.7 million to identity theft.
All this only confirms the importance of  guarding yourself against identity theft and fraud.  Check your credit report regularly and store or destroy personal documents appropriately. Consider an identity theft protection service to help you monitor your identity. Check out these tips for more ways to prevent identity theft-and stay safe out there!